Vragen voor Espace Vision’Art fotogalerie Parijs

Anderhalve week geleden trof ik in de e-mail een voorstel aan van fotogalerie Espace Vision’Art gevestigd in Parijs om werk voor een jaar tentoon te stellen in de Franse hoofdstad Parijs.
Vandaag heb ik een e-mail de deur uit gedaan met daarin een aantal vragen over dit voorstel.

De Espace Vision’Art galerie is een galerie in het Parijse Quartier Latin (5e arrondissement) die alleen foto’s en andere digitale kunst tentoon stelt.

Het voorstel dat de galerie heeft voorgelegd ziet er interessant uit, maar er borrelden wel een aantal vragen op die ik eerst beantwoord zou willen zien.
In de tussentijd heb ik de moeder van Merlin ook gepolst in hoeverre zij hieraan zou willen meewerken.
Afhankelijk van de antwoorden op de vragen, kijken we of we ook met deze galerie in zee gaan.

De galerie ligt op de hoek van Rue du Sommerard met Place Paul Painlevè. Op een foto op Google maps uit 2021 is dat goed te zien.

Daarop is ook te zien dat in het pand toentertijd nog een boekwinkel was gevestigd.
Het ligt op een steenworp afstand van de faculteit der letteren van de Sorbonne universiteit en ligt op loopafstand van het Panthéon.

De vragen die ik gesteld heb aan de galeriehouder zijn:

I’m kind of curious about how and where you found me in the first place, so could you please tell me?

As I can tell from the info you sent me, you have a fresh new start in Rue de Sommerard and you’re renovating the building.
How long have you been in the artscene and when did you start or is this truly your first gallery?
I really like the idea of a gallery mainly focused on photography and the vision you wrote about why this is so importent.
You also wrote that you have architecture studios, hotel sales managers and such in your clientele. Can you name some of which you have had a collaboration with or wil have a collaboration with?

You mention that the gallery will be opened around the midst of October, which is, I think, a great time with all those events happening in the city.
Is this also a Collector Day, as you describe it?
How many collector days do you have in mind to organize during a year?

In your proposal there are some items that are not clear to me, because of the different info you give me in this email, the PDF and what is stated on your website.
– 2 works are video exhibited for one year in the gallery. This is also clear to me, but I have a question about it and that is where the videoscreen can  be seen: is it in the gallery itself (so you have to enter the gallery physically to see this exhibited work) or do you have a videoscreen behind the window where everyone who passes the gallery can see the exhibited photos, or is it an online video exhibition?

– ARTIST IN THE SHOWCASE (with 15/30 works video exhibited in the showcase for 1 full day). So there’s a range of 15 up to 30 works that can be exibited. How are these photos selected? Can I select them myself, do you select the appropriate photos or do we select the photos together?

– Creation of ARTIST CARD (Biography, Curriculum, Personal photo, portfolio with 15/30 works with sale price). Am I right that this artist card is in fact a special page on your website with the info and works that you mention? The 15 to 30 photos that can be seen in the portfolio are those the same as in the ARTIST IN THE SHOWCASE or may they differ? If it’s on the website: at what resolution do you upload the photos to the website and how do you prevent/discourage photos from the website will be stolen?

Now here comes the confusion:
In the email you wrote:
– 1 work of the 20 x 20 cm format exhibited for 1 year in “THE WALL PHOTOGRAPHY and DIGITAL ART (the gallery will take care of making the print on dibond of a work or a detail of the work). In the PDF I can read the same as well as in the application form, but on the website I can read: 9 works of the 30 x 30 cm format (printed by the Gallery on dibond) exhibited for one week (sales price of the works decided by the artist).
So a different number of artworks and with a different dimension.
Or is the latter one another service you give?
How is/are the photo(s) selected that is/are printed and what will happen with the print when the year is over?

On the website I can also read about a personal catalogue which you haven’t mentioned in your proposal. Is this also another service you provide?

You’re probably familiar with the term vanity gallery. How can I know that you’re not a vanity gallery?

And at last a question about the event you mention in celebration of the anniversary of the first photograph. The event is scheduled in 2026, but say I will collaborate with you, then in 2024 one year is passed way before 2026. You write that you’ll invite artists for this event. Do you mean by that you invite artists who have worked with you in the past or in the year prior to 2026?

I know: a lot of questions and remarks, but it’s also a sign that I’m truly interested in what you can offer.

En nu kijken in hoeverre de vragen binnen afzienbare tijd en naar tevredenheid worden beantwoord.

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Vorige berichten over mogelijke expositie Espace Vision’Art:
Uitnodiging fotogalerie Parijs

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