2025 |
13 januari | Finalist “Capture Smiles” Foto Catinca (0109-2) |
4 januari | Featured Foto Anoek (1323) |
2024 |
27 december | Featured Foto Anoek (1323) |
26 december | Luminary Award Foto Marly (0117) |
22 december | Featured Foto Merlin (2502) |
16 december | Honorable Mention”Fall Fashion Fever” Foto Merlin (2502) |
12 november | Finalist “Majestic Moments” Foto Marly (0101-2) |
7 november | Finalist “Everyday Wonders” Foto Antonia (0410-2) |
29 oktober | Talent in Focus Award Foto Merlin (2209) |
22 september | Finalist “My World View Project” Foto Pien (0709) |
6 september | Winnaar “Solo” Foto Resa (0103) |
27 augustus | Chronicle Award Foto Claartje (1406) |
24 augustus | Finalist “Capture the Mirror” Foto Merel (0303) |
20 augustus | Runner Up “Show Emotions” Foto Catinca en Resa (0203-2) |
4 augustus | Nominee “Color Chronicles” Foto Pien (0602-3) |
7 juli | Halfway 24 Award Foto Resa (0402-2) |
4 juli | Finalist “Image of the Month (Volume105)” Foto Antonia (0407-bw) |
6 juni | Winnaar “Winter Vogue” Foto Anoek (0704-2) |
26 mei | Featured Foto Anoek (0521) |
24 mei | Team’s Choice Award Foto Resa (0402-2) |
19 mei | Featured Foto Anoek (0521) |
14 mei | Finalist “My Perspective” Foto Antonia (0304-2) |
23 april | EcoVision Award Foto Merlin (2006) |
18 april | Finalist “Portrait Poetry” Foto Resa (0401) |
16 april | Winnaar “Purple Tones” Foto Claartje (0110) |
25 maart | Finalist “Beautiful Smiles” Foto Anoek (0521) |
6 maart | Featured Foto Merlin (1322) |
28 februari | Editors’ Choice Award Foto Merlin (1322) |
17 januari | Finalist / Contender Photography Awards 2023 Foto Merlin (1807-2) |
10 januari | Featured Foto Anoek (0917) |
3 januari | Honorable Mention”Monthly Pro (Volume 53)” Foto Anoek (0917) |
2023 |
12 december | Winter 23 Award Foto Merlin (1421) |
15 november | Action Award Foto Claartje (1624) |
29 oktober | Chatter Award Foto Danya (0101-bw) |
8 oktober | Winnaar “Reflecting Beauty” Foto Claartje (0620) |
23 september | Featured Foto Anoek (0704-2) |
17 september | Finalist “Summer Runway” Foto Merlin (1401) |
27 augustus | Summer Views Award Foto Merlin (1807-2) |
24 augustus | Finalist “Monochrome Marvels” Foto Merlin (1208-bw) |
8 augustus | Finalist “Visual Poetry Project” Foto Rona (0208) |
3 juli | Flawless Summer Award Foto Merlin (1807-2) |
24 juni | Finalist “Vivid Colors” Foto Anoek (0319) |
27 mei | Runner Up “Fill the Frame” Foto Rona (0208) |
22 mei | Finalist “Fill the Frame” Foto Rona (0208) |
21 mei | Picture Perfect Award Foto Merlin (1807-2) |
20 april | Spring 23 Award Foto Merlin (1702-2) |
14 maart | Aperture Award Foto Merlin (1508) |
28 februari | Finalist “Moments in Time” Foto Anoek (0233) |
23 januari | Featured Foto Anoek (0704-2) |
15 januari | Honorable Mention”Fall Style” Foto Anoek (0704-2) |
12 januari | Gem Award Foto Anoek (0320) |
9 januari | Featured Foto Merlin (0604) |
2 januari | Featured Foto Merlin (0604) |
2022 |
13 december | Honorable Mention”City Vibes” Foto Merlin (1321) |
19 december | Achievement in Originality Award Foto Anoek (0319) |
31 oktober | Finalist “Image of the Month (Volume 85)” Foto Anoek (0520) |
27 oktober | Zenith Award Foto Pien (0602-3) |
27 september | Finalist “Creative Compositions Photo Contest (Volume 15)” Foto Antonia (0304-2) |
25 september | Top Pick Award Foto Anoek (0319) |
23 augustus | Staff Favorite Award Foto Anoek (0319) |
31 juli | Finalist “Image of the Month Photo Contest (Volume 82)” Foto Antonia (0304-2) |
5 juli | Halfway22 Award Foto Anoek (0319) |
5 juni | Finalist “Image of the Month Photo Contest (Volume 80)” Foto Anoek (0319) |
26 mei | Curator’s Selection Foto Teline (1213) |
26 april | Top Shot 2022 Award Foto Teline (1213) |
20 maart | Moderator Award Foto Rona (0101) |
8 maart | Featured Foto Merlin (0101) |
2 maart | Featured Foto Merlin (0101) |
1 maart | Winnaar “Look Down” Foto Teline (0115) |
1 februari | Winnaar “Big Smiles” Foto Catinca (0109-2) |
1 februari | Runner Up “Chasing Leaves” Foto Teline (0108) |
11 januari | Jewel Award Foto Anoek (0412) |
2021 |
22 december | Featured Foto Teline (0108) |
14 december | Finalist “Chasing Leaves” Foto Teline (0108) |
14 december | Creative Winter Award Foto Merlin (0301) |
11 november | Curator’s Selection Award Foto Anoek (0233) |
2 november | Winnaar “Indoor Images” Foto Pien (0504) |
30 september | Finalist “Image of the Month Photo Contest (Volume 72)” Foto Anoek (0233) |
24 augustus | Judge Favorite Foto Anoek (0203) |
3 juli | Featured Foto Teline (1213) |
25 juni | Winnaar “Shape of Shadows” Foto Teline (1213) |
4 mei | Top Shot Award 21 Foto Rona (0208) |
2 april | Finalist “Social Exposure (Volume 28)” Foto Antonia (0103) |
23 maart | Curator’s Choice Award Foto Teline (1213) |
13 januari | Treasure Award Foto Pien (0708) |
2020 |
15 december | Winter 2020 Award Foto Catinca (0620) |
25 november | Featured Foto Rona (0208) |
3 november | Finalist “Adorable Pets” Foto Anoek (0107) |
3 september | Legendary Award Foto Claartje (1624) |
23 juli | Summer 2020 Award Foto Rona (0204) |
8 juli | Finalist “Portrait Magic” Foto Rona (0105) |
27 mei | Staff Favorite Foto Teline (0115) |
2 mei | Finalist “People in Motion” Foto Catinca en Resa (0203-2) |
15 april | Finalist “Coats and Jackets” Foto Claartje (1801) |
28 februari | Finalist “Faces in Black and White” Foto Catinca (0104-2) |
16 februari | Finalist “Together” Foto Catinca en Resa (0203-2) |
3 februari | Finalist “Hats and Caps” Foto Rona (0105) |
7 januari | Featured Foto Catinca (0104-2) |
2019 |
28 november | Finalist “Kids Being Kids” Foto Catinca en Resa (0203-2) |
8 november | Finalist “The Sound of Music” Foto Madelief (0104) |
1 oktober | Finalist “Image of the Month (Vol. 46)” Foto Catinca en Resa (0203-2) |
11 september | Staff Favorite Foto Catinca en Resa (0203-2) |
1 augustus | Finalist “Image of the Month (Vol. 46)” Foto Teline (0113) |
13 juli | Finalist “Bubbles in the Air” Foto Claartje (1516) |
2 juli | Curator’s Choice Award Foto Teline (0113) |
30 mei | Finalist “Image of the Month (Volume 44)” Foto Catinca (0305) |
26 mei | Finalist “Creative Fashion” Foto Teline (0208) |
19 mei | Finalist “Social Exposure (Volume 21)” Foto Catinca (0305) |
11 mei | Finalist “Flowers and More Flowers” Foto Pien (0602-3) |
9 april | Finalist “Social Exposure (Vol 20)” Foto Teline (0208-bw) |
4 april | Editors’ Choice Award Foto Pien (0602-3) |
6 maart | Staff Favorite Foto Teline (0108) |
10 februari | Finalist “Green Eyes” Foto Teline (0112) |
7 februari | Top Shot Award Foto Teline (0112) |
26 januari | Finalist “Siblings” Foto Claartje en Pien (0101) |
5 januari | Finalist “In My Hand” Foto Pien (0603-3) |
2 januari | Curator’s Choice Award Foto Teline (0112) |
2018 |
10 november | Community Choice Award Foto Pien (0602-3) |
2 november | Finalist “Friendship” Foto Claartje en Pien (0104) |
8 september | Finalist “Colorful and Bright” Foto Catinca (0102-2) |
22 augustus | Finalist “Spring Fashion” Foto Pien (0602-3) |
21 augustus | Finalist “People and Patterns” Foto Danya (0102-2) |
7 juli | Featured Foto Merel (0123-2) |
5 juni | Finalist “It Is Red” Foto Danya (0101) |
6 april | Finalist “Gloves” Foto Claartje (0202) “Gloves” |
2017 |
19 december | Finalist “Black is Back” Foto Danya (0101-bw) |
10 december | Featured Foto Roos (0201-4) |
10 oktober | Finalist “Her in the Studio” Foto Danya (0101) |
2 september | Featured Foto Pien (0501) |
29 augustus | Finalist “Image of the Month (Volume 24)” Foto Claartje (1712) |
19 augustus | Finalist “Single Monochromes” Foto Claartje (0301-bw) “Mysterious” |
3 augustus | Finalist “Night Portraits” Foto Claartje (1712) |
1 augustus | Featured Foto Terra (0111) |
6 juli | Featured Foto Claartje (0602) |
3 juni | Featured Foto Danya (0101) |
16 april | Finalist “Lets Dance” Foto Terra (0111) |
6 april | Finalist “Surreal Fashion” Foto Danya (0101) |
21 maart | Finalist “Monthly Pro Vol 29” Foto Danya (0102) |
8 februari | Finalist “Beauty And Make Up” Foto Claartje (0307) |
28 januari | Featured Foto Pien (0501-2) |
4 januari | Featured Foto Claartje (1621-2) |
2016 |
12 december | Featured Foto Terra (0111) |
20 november | Featured Foto Claartje (1616-4) |
10 november | Winnaar “Your Best Fashion Shot” Challenge Foto Claartje (0521) |
29 oktober | Featured Foto Claartje (0301-bw) “Mysterious” |
7 oktober | Featured Foto Ilse (0106) |
6 oktober | Featured Foto Merel (0121) |
16 september | Finalist “Portraits and Shadows” Foto Claartje (1419) |
15 september | Featured Foto Pien (0501) |
31 augustus | Featured Foto Merel (0121) |
21 augustus | Featured Foto Claartje (0602) |
31 juli | Featured Foto Merel (0121) |
17 juni | Featured Foto Merel (0121) |
29 mei | Featured Foto Terra (0105) |
29 maart | Staff Favorite Foto Pien (0501-2) |
3 maart | Finalist “People and Flowers” Foto Claartje (0408) |
3 februari | Finalist “Black And White Wow Factor” Foto Claartje (0803) |
26 januari | Finalist “Staring” Foto Claartje (0301-bw) “Mysterious” |
11 januari | Judge Favorite Foto Pien (0501) |
2015 |
17 december | Finalist “500 models” Foto Claartje (0602) |
15 december | Judge Favorite Foto Claartje (0301-bw) “Mysterious” |
9 november | Finalist “Black and White Faces” Foto Merel (0121) |