Foto Anoek (0104) toegevoegd

Foto van Anoeks 1e fotoshoot toegevoegd.
Meer van deze fotoshoot.

ViewBug Top 30 Class
“Bold Colors” (23 januari 2020)
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“Rule of Thirds (Volume 7)” (18 september 2019)
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“Creative Visions” (2 september 2019)
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“Covers (Volume 4)” (13 augustus 2019)
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“Covers (Volume 46)” (13 augustus 2019)
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“Social Exposure (Volume 22)” (18 juli 2019)
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“Interesting People” (12 juli 2019)
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“Image of the Month (Volume 45)” (27 juni 2019)
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“My Best New Shot” (20 juni 2019)
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“Spring Looks” (18 juni 2019)
Top 20 Class
“Covers (Volume 3)” (12 juni 2019)
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“My Best Shot (Volume 7)” (30 mei 2019)
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“Rule of Thirds (Volume 6)” (29 mei 2019)
YouPic Status Inspiration (20 mei 2019)
500px Score: 95,2 (7 mei 2019)
Expositie M.A.D.S Gallery Milano
6 mei – 31 december 2019
Reacties op de foto:
Superb work!

Carl Gia
(Verenigde Staten)


Kriswanto Ginting


Jo Dohse

A beauty!

Luc Vandorpe

Very nice!

Mofeed Abu Shalwa

Wonderful shot! Excellent!

Abi Doroud


Ragab Elhmamy

Stunning work, Tjeerd!

Marianne Clement

Beautiful portrait, stunning work as always, Tjeerd!

Wahyu Ono

Wonderful portrait!

Béla Török


Arshad Ashraf

Freshness and beauty combined in a portrait of great beauty and technique!

Andrea Paci Cresti

That's a truly wonderful portrait, Tjeerd!

Randy Poll
(Verenigde Staten)

Prachtig weer, Tjeerd, heel fleurig en heel mooi weergegeven!

Sjaak Wisman

Wonderful tones and pose, Tjeerd. Terrific color addition and POV. Well captured!

Bruce Prothero