Informatie internationale expositie “Emerging” M.A.D.S. Gallery, Milaan

Door alle drukte de afgelopen weken is het er nog niet van gekomen om een vervolgberichtje te schrijven over de aankomende internationale digitale expositie Emerging die gehouden wordt in de M.A.D.S. Gallery in Milaan, Italië. In deze blog wat informatie over deze expositie.

De informatie die ik ontving van de curatoren van de M.A.D.S. Gallery:

This exhibition aims at becoming a true network for emerging creativity, triggering active participation and a direct connection among public, youngsters and successful masters, posing itself as a possibility for encounter and discussion with other artists, of interaction with the public to understand how it poses itself before a work of art. All fundamental elements for the artist in order to improve himself, spreading his intentions and his message to people, increasing awareness of his own means and his potentialities. 

We’re not just addressing to the “youngsters”, is to say to the ones who are moving their first steps in this branch, breaking out of the anonymity of their studios to peep out in the market and be successful for the first time. On the contrary, we also address who – already successful – wants to born again in an artistic sense, trying out something new, challenging and outdoing himself.

We all can and must EMERGE. Not only when we “start” but even more when “we are on the run”.

The exhibition will take place starting from July 10th, 2019 and will last until August 2nd, 2019.

Vernissage will be on July 10th, 2019  inside our location in Milan, Corso San Gottardo 18, Italy.

Voor deze expositie is me gevraagd drie foto’s (bij voorkeur de beste) aan te leveren die in de expositie tentoon worden gesteld.

Deze foto’s zal ik aankomende week gaan opsturen.

Wordt vervolgd.

Eerdere berichten over de Emerging expositie:
Uitnodiging ontvangen

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