“The First Berliner Art Book 2021”: drukproef ontvangen

Een aantal dagen geleden kreeg ik de drukproeven van The First Berliner Art Book 2021 ter beoordeling toegezonden. Daar moesten nog wat aanpassingen aan gedaan worden en deze zijn nu goedgekeurd. “Your photographic art is absolutely astonishing” schrijft de curator nog in haar e-mail, die ik vanmiddag ontving.

The First Berliner Art Book is een publicatie in eigen beheer van Art Management Berlin (AMB). Het boek wordt in een relatief kleine oplage (1.500 exemplaren) gedrukt en wordt ter promotie gebruikt voor de kunstenaars die in het Art Book zijn opgenomen door zowel de kunstenaars zelf als door AMB.

Op de website van AMB valt het volgende te lezen over deze publicatie:

We are excited and honored to present you with the new edition of The First Berliner Art Book 2021 ©.
Art Management Berlin’s new series of contemporary art includes artists of the highest caliber, hailing from the four corners of the world.
The present selection has been made, as usual, with great concern, in order to offer you both the works of our previously acclaimed artists and of artists collaborating with Art Management Berlin for the first time.
The changing world is reflected in the choice of the current selection.
Our collaboration with the Sony Center am Potsdamer Platz in Berlin has paid off over the years, and we are proud, this year too, to be able to include so many artists, enriching thus Art Management Berlin’s collection.

Through the current edition, it was our intention to capture the attention of our international circuit of galleries and collectors interested in the new flows and trends in Contemporary Art.
Our society is becoming more introverted than ever and offers us unsuspected reserves of creativity.
Self-analysis, personal stimulation and the deep desire of self-fulfillment are among the criteria guiding these artists.

In this edition, we purport to stimulate the continuous growth of the selected artists and to put forth their capitalization in the art market worldwide.
An immense thank you to all of you who have added your contribution to the development of contemporary art, with your talent and your creativity. 

You are all an immense and a continuous source of inspiration to our world.

Hieronder is de layout van hoe de foto’s die worden gepubliceerd er uit komen te zien in het artbook.

In de e-mail werd nog specifiek door de curator ingegaan op de foto’s die voor deze editie zijn ingezonden:

I do agree with our team that your photographic art is absolutely astonishing, having a masterfully arrangement of the environment and decoration; the settled light design, make-up and last but not least all gorgeous models that speak with there’s eyes…
It’s a truly inspired work that you’ve done during the years, that it’s abundant of subtle poetry, sensitiveness and of the immaculate purity. My heartfelt congratulations to you and we’re very delighted be able to work with you and to spread the beauty of your art around the globe.

De foto’s die in deze uitgave zullen gaan verschijnen zijn, in alfabetische volgorde:

Antonia (0103)

Emily (0201)

Merlin (0105)

Resa (0102)

Rona (0213)

Saar (0201-3)

De eerste exemplaren zullen na verwachting medio februari van de persen zal gaan rollen, maar er wordt wel door AMB een slag om de arm gehouden in verband met de coronapandemie.

Wordt vervolgd.

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