Merlin (0301) krijgt “Creative Winter Award” op ViewBug

Vanmiddag trof ik een mailtje aan van ViewBug met als onderwerp: “Congratulations! One of your photos has a new award!” en dat maakt toch altijd nieuwsgierig.

Na het aanklikken van de link, kwam ik op de volgende pagina:

De tekst luidt:
Awesome stuff StudioTjeerd, this is mega epic!
From all your photos, this shot has been selected to receive the Creative Winter recognition.
Thank you for sharing your passion, and extraordinary creativity with all of us.

About the Creative Winter Award
We recognize your creativity for how it influences the community, and we celebrate it with this award.
Your photography is a reminder that we all share something special in this world.
You’ve captured moments and perspectives, telling stories about what it means to be human on an everyday basis.
Your photos show how to be creative in a world that’s changing too fast.
On behalf of all the VIEWBUG team and the community members, we thank you of sharing these with us.”

De Award is er één van een aantal die de website van ViewBug weggeeft, zo valt te lezen op de webpagina van ViewBug die hieraan is gewijd.

Your photos can receive awards even if these are not submitted in the contests.

Our staff, guest and resident judges look at the entries of the contests as well as all the photos uploaded to the community to choose their favorite photos and award them. At ViewBug, you can win contests as well as receive awards on your photos. It is a great honor to be chosen as your photo is chosen among many others and it is selected based on creativity, originality, composition and overall quality.

There are no specific numbers of awards given, the judges have sole discretion about this.
The official ViewBug awards by the ViewBug staff, guest and resident judges include:
Judge Favorite
Staff Favorite
Contest Finalist
Contest Winner
Outstanding Composition
Achievement in Originality
Achievement in Contrast
Editor’s Choice
Curator’s Selection
Runner Up
Honorable Mention

Dat de foto de Award heeft gekregen blijkt uit het label die bij de foto zichtbaar is op de website van ViewBug.

Tevens is de foto nu zichtbaar in de zogenaamde “Hall of Fame” op de website en wordt deze in de feed bij de circa zes miljoen abonnees extra onder de aandacht gebracht.

In de ruim zes jaar dat er foto’s worden ingeschreven voor fotowedstrijden op de website van ViewBug is er een inmiddels indrukwekkende lijst met featured foto’s (en finaleplaatsen) zoals te zien is op de onderscheidingen pagina op deze site.

Bekijk Merlin (0301) voor de Palmares en reacties op de foto.